Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bound Fantasies Part 1

One of my on-line groups had this challenge yrs ago. It was about sexual and emotional fears and fantasies. Everyone made a different shrine and we swapped them.

I got the word bound in my swap letter. I was very unsure about trying something like bondage... but, hey try anything new if you think it might create challenging art.

Red Roses for a Blue Lady was one of the pieces I made. Considering the female is bound by roses the symbology is rather obvious. It was an interesting piece to make. I started to find creating bound figures very freeing.

I then went to trying bound figures in 3 dimensions. My Ram Goddess was a piece I was especially proud of 5 yrs ago. I like to think my sculpting skills and my photography skills have improved. Geez...

For some reason binding up these little figures opened me up to creating more interesting work. I now enjoy trying to create all kinds of unusual figures.

Well, I was in the mood to try another bound piece and thought I'd try out the figure of bound female demon that's been sitting in my head for ages.

Oh, no pictures? Well, Part 2 is tomorrow.


tattytiara said...

Very, very nice work.

Anonymous said...

Still one of my favorite pieces of yours...I'm glad she lives with me!

Laura Bartlett said...

I'm glad she's living with you too.:)